short film by alejandro marcos
The modern world is a reflection of our inner struggles. Mirror Mirror is a drama short film that delves deep into the lives of five women who discover a magical mirror that reveals more than just their reflections—it exposes their deepest insecurities and hidden truths. As these friends confront their flaws, the mirror forces them to face their fears, ambitions, and the cracks in their relationships.
But this isn't just a story about self-discovery—it's about the power of friendship and the importance of confronting our true selves. Mirror Mirror is an emotionally charged journey that explores the thin line between perception and reality, and how our inner world can shape the relationships we hold dear.
Title: Mirror Mirror
Writer and Director: Alejandro Marcos
Genre: Drama
Length: 15 minutes
Language: English
Logline: A group of friends discovers a magical mirror that reveals their deepest insecurities, forcing them to confront their true selves and the cracks in their relationships.
Format: 4K video, Stereo, 2:39, color
Location: Modern apartment, urban setting.